Saturday, January 26, 2013

#1 January 20-26 Cave Troll

First miniature on the board, and its a good one.  This is a Cave Troll Reaper Miniature code: 77004 from the Bones line. I picked this as my first miniature because I wanted to see if you could skip the primer step with the new Bones miniatures.  Turns out that you can, but it took an extra base coat just to make sure that you couldn't see any of the white plastic that the miniature is cast in. Overall the paint looks good, I think the purple lower lip really added a lot of character to the face of this little guy.  Something I will work on for next time is skin tone highlights. I haven't been very good about painting flesh in the past and tend to get lazy with it. Let me know what you think of this little guy, and give me some suggestions of adventures where a group of PCs might encounter this fellow. 

Link to the miniature: