Saturday, February 2, 2013

#2 J27-F2 RAFM Dwarf

The miniature I chose for this week was one that I've had for a while now.  This is a dwarf from RAFM Miniatures fantasy line.  He came in a pack of 3 called the trench pounders (see down below for a link). I have to say they are decent little sculpts, but that I didn't much care for the little base that he came on and I wanted to change that. There is a video done by Doctor Faust's Painting Clinic that teaches his technique for making stone bases (link below). I think the results speak for itself, I definitely will be basing other figures this same way in future posts. I would like to give a shout out to secret weapon washes, I used the stone wash for this base and was really happy with out how it turned out. Something that I really liked about this miniature was the way that his studded leather armor turned out. I mixed a red wash with scorched brown paint to get the color the way I wanted. Something to work on for next time was the shield. I think the red looks good, but it doesn't have a lot of depth to the color. I also could have sculpted something onto the shield to add some flare to it.
You can see how nice the wash worked on the base.



  1. Again, nice job. He is a little bright for my tastes on a Dwarf, little more gnomish to me. My dwarves all tend toward deep blues and greys. I love the stone base and may have to check out that link :)

    1. I actually have a bunch of the other dwarves that RAFM did and I too painted them grey and dark blue. Most if them are partially finished and I plan on finishing them for a future post.
