Sunday, February 10, 2013

#3 Damien Mundo

The Vampire Lord Damien Mundo
One of my favorite creatures to throw at my friends when playing dungeons and dragons is a vampire. I think they are one of the best villains you can put in a campaign. They allow your cleric characters feel powerful when they hold them at bay with their religious symbol. They cause your fighter absolute horror when they become dominated. But my favorite thing is when your PC's are just about to finish the fight, they turn into a gaseous form allowing them to escape only to turn up later for revenge. The main vampire we have used in our adventures I named Damien Mundo. I bought this miniature specifically for this character, and every time I put him on the table for game night it has always been a memorable experience. That being said, the thing I liked about this mini was how his armor turned out. I haven't done a lot of non metal colored armor and I should try to do it more. Something that could have been better was his cape, I feel like I kinda rushed it and maybe I will go back and fix it a bit. Overall this was a good mini except for a bad mold line that ran right though the left side of his face. All in all I am glad I finally put some color on this figure.

Reaper Miniature Vampire Gabriel Darkblood

1 comment:

  1. Love the idea behind this miniature. I am aching to put a little layered orangey yellow highlights on portions of his armour BUT I think you have done the right thing in leaving it a darker red. He is a vampire after all, where would the light source be LOL :)
